VBS 2024

Come see us for VBS in 2024!

Emmanuel Lutheran Church holds Vacation Bible School for one week each summer. It is one of the biggest Bible School programs in the town of York.  

For Children entering Pre-K to 6th Grade*
Check-in starts at 8:00 am

*Children must by potty-trained and 4 years old by July 1st  of that year to attend. Younger children of volunteers during the week may attend with their parent but childcare is not provided.

We typically have 150 children attend daily, and need 20 to 30 volunteers to run the program, 25 “Crew Leaders” and as many as 10 “Station Leaders” (more like a teacher) plus anyone additional to help with opening and closing skits and music, etc..  We have a lot of children attend Vacation Bible School that are not from the Emmanuel congregation, and feel it is our mission to offer the opportunity for all children to come and hear about the word of God in a fun and creative atmosphere.

The three and a half hour day is filled with singing, bible study, crafts, snacks and recreation time all centered around a religious theme. We collect an offering each day and set a weekly goal for the children to meet. The offering has been used towards many different missions including the Crisis Pregnancy Center here in York, sponsoring a mission trip to Honduras, and the farming program through Samaritan’s Purse.