ELY- Emmanuel Lutheran Youth

ELY (Emmanuel Lutheran Youth) is a community of 6th grade through high school students and caring adults who hang out at Emmanuel on Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15pm. They can expect a short devotional time often paired with a corresponding team/group activity.  The remainder of the time they will be invited to enjoy some other group sport or activity (i.e. kickball, basketball, volleyball, etc.) that utilizes the gym space.   They can also choose to spend the hour in the Sunday School room engaging with each other through an interactive Bible Study. There are also occasional board game nights, movie nights, and special events to which students are invited.

We love the youth with whom we have the privilege to grow. We strive to provide an environment where young people can gather together, encourage one another and share in Christ’s love.

Contact info: If you’d like to find out more about the group, feel free to contact Pastor Ben (email: bkaiser@efyork.org, cell: (402) 366-4309).

“Like” us on facebook, follow us on Instagram and join our ELY facebook group to read interesting articles, funny Christian meme’s,  and to keep up on our latest and upcoming activities.